

As per the government decisions vide Notification No. F.4 (62)-RCC/11 , the new Khowai district with a population of 3, 71,722 and covering an Area of 1377.28 came into existence. The district consists of two sub-divisions of Khowai and Teliamura with its headquarters located in Khowai town.

The undivided Khowai had started its administrative set up from the year 1910 A.D. under SDO, Sri Trivani Kumar Bardhan. Khowai Sub-Division when undivided was the 2nd largest Sub-Division in Tripura and also among the first 10 subdivisions in the state. It was divided into two Sub-Divisions namely Khowai and Teliamura in the year 2006. The district is flanked by Bangladesh on the north, Amarpur and Gandacharra on the south, Kamalpur & Ambassa on the east and Mohanpur and Jirania Sub Division on the west. The Atharamura range runs along the eastern side of the District while the western side is bordered by the Baramura Range. Khowai River, the primary river from which the district also takes its name, starts from its source at Nunacherra and passes through Khowai Town.

Geographical Information
Name of the Geographical Unit Detail of the Geographical Unit
District formation date January,2012
District Hedaquater Khowai Town
Latitude 23.8974° North
Longitude 91.6372° East
Height from sea level 23m(75ft)
Area 1377.28 sq. K.M.
Forest Area 587.224 Sq. K.M.(Source:
Climate Khowai is situated in a plain along the Khowai River and has a monsoon influenced humid subtropical climate with large amounts of rain almost all year. The city experiences long, hot and wet summers, lasting from April to October
Temperature(Average) 28°c(82°f)
Average Rainfall 2570 mm
River Khowai River (Length-70 K.M.,Originate from Longtharai Hill)
Surrounding Districts Dhalai(Ambassa) District-30 K.M.,West(Agartala) District-46.6 K.M.,Gomati(Udaipur) District-87.0 K.M.
International Border Bangladesh(Length of border along khowai district 61.5 K.M.)
Administrative Setup
Name of the Organizational Unit Detail of the Organizational Unit
Sub Division 2[Khowai,Teliamura]
Revenue Circle Office 3[Khowai Sub Division-1,Teliamura Sub Division-2][Khowai Rev.Circle,Teliamura Rev. Circle,Uttar Maharanipur Rev. Circle]
Tehsil 19
Revenue Village (Mouja) 94
Gram Panchayats 55 [Kalyanpur-13, Khowai-25, Teliamura-17] (*Source:
Municipal Council 2 [1. Khowai, 2-Teliamura]
ADC Village 69[Tulashikhar-23, Padmabil-17, Kalyanpur-7, Teliamura-8, Mungiakami-14] (*Source:
Habitation 846[Khowai Sub Division-488,Teliamura Sub Division-358]
Pollice Station 6[Khowai Sub Division-3,Teliamura Sub Division-3]
Pollice Out Posts 2[Baijalbari Outpost,Subhas Park Outpost]
Discription As per Cencus 2011
Population 3,27,564
Male Population 1,67,401
Female Population 1,60,163
Population Density (Per Sq Km) 326
Female-Male Ratio(Every 1000) 957:1000
Population of 0-6 Age Group 38659[Male-19657,Female-19002]
Scheduled tribes Population 139537[Rural-138104,Urban-1433]
% of Scheduled tribes to total Population 42.60
Scheduled castes Population 63062 [Rural-55620,Urban-7442]
% of Scheduled castes to total Population 19.25
Literacy rate (%) 87.78
Literacy of Male rate (%) 92.17
Literacy of Female rate (%) 83.17
General Information
Name of the General Unit Details of the General Unit
Official Langauge English, Bengali
Area Code 3825
Time zone IST (UTC+5:30)
Production of rice(in MT)(P) 69,580
Production of other pulses (in MT) 341
Veterinary hospitals 1
Veterinary dispensary 5

Veterinary Sub Centre

(First Aid centre/Stockman centre)

Culturable water area (in hac) 2,910.85
Production of fish (in MT)(P) 8,138.14
Number of Co-operative Societies 178
Number of Primary Schools 247
Number of Middle Schools 109
Number of High Schools 67
Number of H.S.(+2) Schools 41
Number of General Degree Colleges 2
Number of Anganwadi Centre 1041
Number of Hospitals 2
Number of CHC 1
Number of PHC 10
Number of Dispensary/ Sub-Cenre 104
Number of Ayurvedic Institutions 9
Number of Homeopathic Institutions 8
No. of Goan Panchayats with ADC area 124