Title | Description | Start Date | End Date | File |
Notice Inviting Tender from District Health & Family Welfare Society ( No.F.37 (17-20)-Tender/Quotation/DHFWS/CMO/KHW/18/Vol-III ) | Sealed Tender/Quotation are invited by the undersigned from registered Firm / Co-operative Societies,resourceful persons, experienced, reliable persons of Tripura for Preparation and supply of Different IEC Materials for use in the the office of the District Health & Family Welfare Society, Khowai Tripura for a period of one year. Details terms & conditions and list of the items are available in the office website: tripuranrhm.gov.in or https://khowai.nic.in. [For details please download the attached document] |
15/09/2023 | 21/09/2023 | View (1 MB) |
Notice Inviting Tender from District Health & Family Welfare Society ( No.F.37 (17-20)-Tender/Quotation/DHFWS/CMO/KHW/18/Vol-III ) | Sealed Tender/Quotation are invited by the undersigned from registered Firm / Co-operative Societies,resourceful persons, experienced, reliable persons of Tripura for supply of Different Stationary items for use in the office of the District Health & Family Welfare Society, Khowai Tripura for a period of one year. Details terms & conditions and list of the items are available in the office website: tripuranrhm.gov.in or https://khowai.nic.in. |
15/09/2023 | 21/09/2023 | View (2 MB) |
SHORT NOTICE INVITING TENDER (2nd Call) for “CIB for MGNREGA of Teliamura RD Block” [F.30(25)/PO(BDO)/TLM/MGNREGA/2023-24/5367-80 Dated18/07/2023] | Notice inviting Tender in sealed cover is hereby invited from the interest supplier, dealer, and bidders for “Supply Citizen Information Board (CIB) for MGNREGA of Teliamura RD Block During 2023-24 FY”. The sealed Quotation should reach to the Office of the BDO Teliamura R.D. Block, Khowai Tripura latest by 09/08/2023 by 3 PM. [For details please download the attached document] |
18/07/2023 | 09/08/2023 | View (4 MB) |
Notice Inviting Tender for Wheel Garbage Dustbin/Segregation Bins | The office of the BDO, Mungiakami RD Block invites sealed rate quotation from the registered bonafied manufacturers/Distributors/Authorized Dealers/Agents/Suppliers of Tripura for supply of Wheel Garbage Dustbin/Segregation Bins to Mungiakami RD Block in flavor of Block Development Officer, Mungiakami RD Block as per the specification mentioned in attached document. |
22/06/2023 | 30/06/2023 | View (1 MB) |
SHORT NOTICE INVITING TENDER FROM TELIAMURA SUB-DIVISIONAL MEDICAL HOSPITAL (F.No.5(A-Store- AYUSHMAN BHARAT)/THPS/SDMO/Tel.SDH/2018-19/6534) | Sealed Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) are invited by the undersigned from the registered medical shop/farm/company/manufacturer/ MARKEFD/ co-operative societies of Tripura for the “Procurement of Medicines & Surgical Items for JSSK & AB-PMJAY” for use in the the Sub-Divisional Medical Hospital, Teliamura, Khowai, Tripura for a period of one year. Details of terms & conditions and list of the items are available on the office website: tripuranrhm.gov.in or the office of the undersigned (receive & despatch section) on all working days up to 3.30 P.M. of 28/06/2023. [For details please download the attached document] |
20/06/2023 | 28/06/2023 | View (2 MB) |
Notice Inviting tender for CIB on behalf of Mungiakami RD Block | Notice inviting Tender in sealed cover is hereby invited from the interested Supplier, Dealer, Agencies, Firms & SHGs for supply of “Citizen Information Board (CIB)” for implementation of MGNREGA under Mungiakami R.D. Block for the FY 2023-24 |
17/06/2023 | 27/06/2023 | View (2 MB) |
SHORT NOTICE INVITING TENDER FROM TELIAMURA R.D. BLOCK (F.2(6)/BDO/TLM/Accts/2023-24/1180-89) | On behalf of the Governor of Tripura, the undersigned invites sealed rate quotation in the plain paper from the owner or their authorized agent for hiring of 1 (one) No. Maruti Eeco CNG for office duty for the Block Development Officer, Teliamura RD Block, Khowai District, Tripura for 2023-24 FY. The sealed Quotation should reach to the Office of the BDO Teliamura R.D. Block, Khowai Tripura latest by 02/06/2023 by 3 PM. [For details please download the attached document] |
22/05/2023 | 02/06/2023 | View (4 MB) |
SHORT NOTICE INVITING TENDER FROM DM & COLLECTOR OFFICE (No. F.VI/DM/KHW/NAZ/Tender-Cleaning & Sweeping/2028-24/2128-32 ) | Notice inviting quotation under sealed cover is/are hereby invited from the bonafied women Self Help group (SHG) under Khowai District for providing 1 (one) year service for cleaning & sweeping of DM office Complex, DM / ADM (02 Nos) residence & Revenue Dak- Bungalow, under the establishment of DM & Collector, Khowai which will be received during office hours from the date of issue of this Notice up to 3.00 PM on 05/05/2023 in this office which will be opened on 05.05.2023 at 3.30 PM if possible, else by next working day at 3.00 PM. |
29/04/2023 | 05/05/2023 | View (1 MB) |
SHORT NOTICE INVITING TENDER FROM MUNGIAKAMI R.D BLOCK (NO.F-4(1)/BDO/MGK/NAZ/2023-24//22) | Sealed quotations are invited from registered and reputed firms/agencies/suppliers/Co-operative Societies for stationery items/ articles to the Office of the Block Development Officer, Mungiakami R.D Block, Khowai Tripura for the year 2023-24. |
13/04/2023 | 24/04/2023 | View (5 MB) |
SHORT NOTICE INVITING TENDER FROM PADMABIL R.D BLOCK (NO.F-2(4)BDO/PDL/NAZ/2023-24/29-39) | Sealed quotations are invited from registered and reputed firms/agencies/suppliers/Co-operative Societies for stationery items/ articles to the Office of the Block Development Officer, Padmabil R.D Block, Khowai Tripura for the year 2023-24 |
03/04/2023 | 12/04/2023 | View (3 MB) |