Title | Description | Start Date | End Date | File |
SHORT NOTICE INVITING TENDER FROM DM OFFICE (No.F.1(3-14)/PD/DRDA/KHW/Audit/Part-File/2012-13/17101-11) | The Chief Executive Officer (District Magistrate& Collector), District Rural Development Agency (DRDA), Khowai District, Khowai invites sealed ‘Quotation’ (s) from the interested Chartered Accountants Firm (s) of India for rates for conducting of audit of Interest Money Account/ Miscellaneous Account/ MGNREGA Scheme/ PMAY (G) Scheme/ DRDA Administration Scheme under DRDA, Khowai District, Khowai for the financial year 2021-22 (i.e. 01.04.2021 to 31.03.2022). [For details please download the attached document] |
10/08/2022 | 25/08/2022 | View (806 KB) |
SHORT NOTICE INVITING TENDER FROM DISTRICT WELFARE OFFICE (NO.F.XXI(123)/DM/KH/TW/HV/2019-20/1511-16) | ‘Spot Quotation’ sealed cover is/are hereby Invited from the bonafied Indian Citizens permanently residing in Tripura for 1(one) No. Best serviceable Maruti Van/Eco/Equivalent (White Coloured) run by Petrol/ by CNG whichever having minimum cost only for using in the Office of the District Welfare Officer, Khowai for monitoring and supervising of varlous Welfare Schemes under Khowai District for the period of 16th August,2022 to 28th February,2023. |
04/08/2022 | 08/08/2022 | View (729 KB) |
SHORT NOTICE INVITING TENDER FROM MUNGIAKAMI R.D BLOCK (NO.F.4(1)/BDO/MGK/NAZIR/2022-23/3875-85) | On behalf of the Governor of Tripura, the undersigned invites sealed tender of rate quotation in the plain paper for procurement of SWM during the year 2022-2023 FY”. |
01/08/2022 | 08/08/2022 | View (1 MB) |
SHORT NOTICE INVITING TENDER FROM PADMABIL R.D BLOCK (F.2(4)/BDO/PDL/NAZ/2019-20/2010-18) | On behalf of the Governor of Tripura, the undersigned invites sealed rate quotation in the plain paper from the owner of the authorized agent for hiring of 1(one)No. Maruti Eeco CNG for office duty for the Block Development Officer, Padmabil R.D Block,Khowai District, Tripura for 2022-2023 FY”. |
23/05/2022 | 31/05/2022 | View (342 KB) |
SHORT NOTICE INVITING TENDER FROM TELIAMURA R.D BLOCK (F.2(6)/BDO/TLM/Accts/2022-23/1460-67) | On behalf of the Governor of Tripura, the undersigned invites sealed rate quotation in the plain paper from the owner or their authorized agent for hiring of 1(one)No. Maruti Eco CNG for office duty for the Block Development Officer, Teliamura R.D Block,Khowai District, Tripura for 2022-2023 FY”. |
13/05/2022 | 20/05/2022 | View (1 MB) |
SHORT NOTICE INVITING TENDER FROM MUNGIAKAMI R.D BLOCK (No.F.4(1)/BDO/MGK/NAZIR/2019-20/611-619) | On behalf of the Governor of Tripura, the undersigned invites sealed rate quotation in the plain paper for procurement of conference hall room table mounted Gooseneck Microphone system for public speaking including PA system for use in the conference hall of Mungiakami R.D Block during 2022-2023 FY”. |
12/05/2022 | 17/05/2022 | View (171 KB) |
Notice for Leasing of Banabithi Eco Park (excluding Ponds) | Notice for Leasing of Banabithi Eco Park (excluding Ponds) |
30/04/2022 | 07/05/2022 | View (529 KB) |
Notice for Leasing of Ponds within the Banabithi Eco Park (Excluding Banabithi Eco Park) | Notice for Leasing of Ponds within the Banabithi Eco Park (Excluding Banabithi Eco Park) |
30/04/2022 | 07/05/2022 | View (417 KB) |
Notice inviting tender (No.F.VI(54)/DM/KHW/NAZ/SA-TENDER/Shadow/2022-23/545-58) | On behalf of the Governor of Tripura, the undersigned invites “NIT” sealed covers from the authorized dealers/ proprietor/ firms/ Shop-keepers etc. For supplying of stationary articles for Office use of District Magistrate & Collector, Khowai. |
07/04/2022 | 26/04/2022 | View (6 MB) |
Notice inviting tender from O/o The BDO Mungiakami (No.F.5(4)/BDO/MGK/NAZ/2022-23/8983-8992) | On behalf of the Governor of Tripura, the undersigned invites sealed quotations from interested experience registered bidder/supplier / citizen / supply agencies for supplying of stationary items for office use of Mungiakami R. D. Block for Financial Year 2O21-22 onwards. The sealed Quotation should reach to the office of the BDO, Mungiakami R. D. Block, Khowai District latest by 3.00pm of 12th April’ 2O22. |
25/03/2022 | 12/04/2022 | View (2 MB) |